
0250 737 308 | 0250 737 302

Address: Street Nistor Dumitrescu nr. 14/17 Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, Romania






The company TERMOREP is specialized in the construction of fire-tube boilers for warm water, hot water and steam, forced circulation boilers and components for water tube boilers.

It is also authorized by ISCIR, according to CR4 standards to install, verify, repair and commission warm water boilers (Q = 400 KW ÷ 17000 KW), hot water (Q <100Gcal; P <30bar; T <175 ºC) and steam (Q <420 t/ h; P < 165bar; T < 565 °C), providing the customers also with their installation and assembling projects.

For a good functioning and in order to increase the lifetime of a boiler we also provide chemical conditioning and chemical cleaning services according to ISCIR prescriptions.

Boiler with forced circulation P= 80 bar; T=360°C
No.6 Vapor boiler body P=6 bar, Q=3000 kW
HLK boiler saver P=16 bar
Repair, verification and investigation boiler ABA 1to/h; p=8bar
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Latitudine: 45.072145  /  Longitudine: 24.352480

- Quality Policy -

Together with our highly qualified and motivated personnel, we have managed to enlarge the area of activities, both as customer’s portfolio but also as a technical and quality horizon, having as our main concern the respect of the European standards and the fulfilment of our client’s requirements.

Termorep SRL

Address: Str. Nistor Dumitrescu nr. 14/17 Ramnicu Valcea, Valcea, Romania

Email: termorep@termorep.ro

Tel: 0250 737 308

Tel: 0250 737 302